Kristy Narkunas LMT is a 2011 graduate of East-West College of the Healing Arts in Portland, OR where she specialized in Zen Shiatsu and CranioSacral massage. She practices out of her Ferndale, WA office and also makes housecalls in Whatcom and Skagit County.
Kristy's bodywork merges visceral & energetic massage techniques- a Hermetic healing experience. She has trained in person with Master Ohashi and received a Reiki II attunement with Rev. Monica McDowell.
Kristy is a medical intuitive who occasionally channels multi-dimensional communication related to or intended for the client. She does not diagnose or prescribe treatment for diseases and medical disorders. Currently, this is on a case-by-case basis and such content is disclosed only with prior consent from the client.
She is privileged to experience working with a full spectrum of humans and their animals during all stages of life and degrees of health. I pride myself on Trust, Consistency and Reliability and execute only the utmost patient privacy.
-Kristy Narkunas, LMT (WA Lic# MA 60270039)